Strategy results update 01/2022
It was one of the worst start of the year in the stock market history. The US market (S&P500) lost more than 5% and performed worse than the rest of the international markets (VEU). Small Cap and Mid Cap (IJH and IJR) also finished month negative. Value outperformed Momentum. The commodity index finished month with over 11% growth. It was a difficult month for our strategies as well. Those using leverage assets got hit the most.
Below you will find results for selected portfolios/strategies from all available on the blog. Detailed results of all portfolios/strategies can be found on Main Premium Page.
Strategies based on European ETF-s (UCITS)
Strategies based on US ETF-s
Current allocation for individual strategies is available in the UCITS Portfolios or US Portfolios. Strategies GFM, DAA, VIX-Model and ID-Portfolios are available in the Premium tab. Results of the passive portfolios you can find under Strategie/Strategie pasywne
Good investing!
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